
Cyber Security & Privacy
data analytics on a computer

Cloud speed to value: Why Azure Data Lake is a big data game changer

Whether you operate in the public or private sector, your big data demands can no longer be met by traditional data infrastructure. Discover new technologies...
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car at a dealership

How your dealership can execute a robust cyber assessment

Assessment is the first step to prepare for and prevent cyber attacks on your dealership.
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The Data Dilemma: Ideas to improve the effectiveness of your incident response plan

The Data Dilemma: Privacy, ethics, and the future of AI

Elevate your data privacy and build your organization’s competitive advantage in an algorithm-dominated world with this cyber trends eBook.
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person standing outside an office building

Bill C-27: What your organization needs to know

Bill C-27 has the potential to impact how all private sector organizations in Canada approach data protection. Here’s what businesses need to know.
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On-demand Video: What’s next for privacy?

Two of Canada’s most esteemed experts share their perspectives for Data Privacy Day 2022.
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Three trends to consider when building your 2022 cyber budget

If your organization is struggling to keep up with proliferating cyber threats, you’re not alone.
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MNP Digital Cyber Awareness whitepaper

The Perfect Storm: Why Cyber Awareness is More Important than Ever – Whitepaper

This whitepaper will help you understand the steps you can take to assess your current vulnerabilities and how to mitigate cyber risks.
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Cyber Risks and Digital Transformation

Learn about expected increases in cyber crime and what you can do to protect yourself, your technology, and your consumers.
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A hooded man at three computers hacking into databases

How practice owners and partners can reduce their cyber risks

Embracing these four mindsets in your practice management will ensure you’re prepared for a cyber attack.
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