
Cyber Security & Privacy
Cyber attack hacker with hand up against a digital display

Business recovery planning is essential. Why do few organizations have it in place?

You’ve done everything in your power to prevent a cyber attack. But what if that’s not good enough?
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Young man bungee jumping over river

Managing your organization’s third-party cyber risks

Today, cyber security risks are well known and widely recognized – but you may be more at risk than you know.
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Overhead view of highway at night

A cyber security roadmap for boards of directors

Boards are the first line of defense for organizations facing a growing number of increasingly sophisticated cyber and privacy threats. The steps you take right...
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Rocket takes off in the starry sky

Personal identifiable information (PII) explained

If data is the diesel that powers today’s economic engine, personal identifiable information (PII) is the rocket fuel launching it to stratospheric heights.
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Hanging clock in subway station

Feds to overhaul Canada’s federal data privacy law

Time to update your data privacy and security to align with tough new legislation mandated by the federal government of Canada.
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Illustration code and head silhouettes

Effective risk mitigation: Internal audit and cyber security & privacy

Data has become an organization’s most valuable asset, but also become its most vulnerable. Are your policies meeting expectations?
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Programming code abstract technology background of software deve

The DevOps Process Model: Security and privacy by design

Ignoring your DevOps process model may have serious consequences. Learn the four key areas that every organization must invest in.
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